Quality habitat is essential

The success of any species is inextricably linked to the condition of its habitat. Habitat is defined as food, water, and cover necessary to support an animal population. Here in the inland northwest, our natural landscape is ideal for game birds, but it takes diligence and management to ensure this ecosystem is protected.
Landowners needed
If you own land, you can help us leave a game bird legacy that will last for generations by agreeing to plant and manage game bird habitat on your land. Not only will it improve your land and soil, it will ensure a healthy foundation to support game birds breeding, foraging and subsistence. As a member, you can gain access to the information, tools and resources necessary to establish habitat on your land that will support healthy game bird populations.
Available programs
Every regional office of the Idaho Fish & Game Department (IDFG) has a Farm Bill Coordinator/Wildlife Biologist charged with the responsibility of working with landowners to preserve and develop wildlife habitat suitable for game birds. We urge you to become acquainted with the Farm Bill Coordinator in your area and familiarize yourself with the programs they administer. Many of these programs provide technical and financial assistance to property owners, using dollars provided by federal agencies like the U.S. Department of Agriculture and other federal agencies. Program requirements vary from one to the next, and our feeling is that these programs are currently underutilized in Idaho. Local people need to begin raising awareness of resources that really do exist. We can provide you with an overview of available programs put together by IDFG staff from the Clearwater Regional Office.